Thursday 26 February 2015

Company Analysis Pt 2

A continuation of Pt 1, which looked at the earnings of the company.

Based on their latest 2014 Annual Report, I shall summarise briefly the company's Net Worth (a.k.a. Book Value).

Amounts stated are in millions, unless otherwise stated



The company holds $298 million in cash and equivalents

Properties and Land

Book Value
Liquidation Value
Investment Properties
Leasehold Land

The company holds the above assets, which probably can be liquidated close to the above stated value of $952 million.

Investment Holdings

Book Value
Liquidation Value
Investments (quoted)
Investment (quoted)
Investment (unquoted)
Development property

Amt due from associates


Assuming a conservative liquidation value 50% of book value: $250 million.


Book Value
Liquidation Value
Trade Receivables
Amount due from Associates
Cash pledged to bank
Amount due from  jointly ctrl entities

As the company is in net cash position, it is unlikely it will default on its bank borrowings, hence the cash pledged to bank will be considered 100% recoverable.

Amount due from associates is quite significant. They are businesses where the company has a 20-50% equity stake in, and are incorporated in Indonesia, Malaysia and PRC.

Total liquidation value of Receivables: $104.5 million.


Book Value
Liquidation Value

The book value of the company’s Inventories is after deduction of allowance for obsolete inventories. So a 50% margin of safety should be more than sufficient, leading to conservative Liquidation Value of $7.5 million.

Adding the total liquidation values of the above assets, the total sum is $1.314 billion.

Let's look at what the company owes.

Book Value
Current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilites
Non-controlling Interest

Total liabilities and non-controlling interest of $462 million.


With assets conservatively valued at $1.32 billion and liabilities of $462 million. The company has a conservative net worth of $852 million.

The company has been in existence since 1957 and was listed in 1973. The market as on 13th February 2015 is selling this company for $803 million. One can buy $852 million (conservatively valued) worth of assets for just $803 million.

On top of this, these assets based on past 10-year record, has been generating on average, annual EBT of  $77 million and operating cashflow of around $33 million.

Lastly, this company has been growing its Net Tangible Assets every year for the past 10 years.

I'll leave it to the individual to decide if this company, Metro Holdings, is a good buy.

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